Tuesday 10 May 2011

Assessment for Learning...

This year we created rubrics to help make writing expectations clear and concrete.  Students, in the past, have been graded on what is called the six-point scale, where a teacher gives a mark out of six and some feedback.  I would like to know how you have felt about having your writing assessed using a rubric with feedback, as opposed to being given a mark.  How does the rubric help you to become a better writer?   Please post your feedback on the blog.


Ms MacInnes


  1. i feel as if the rubric didn't help me because i like getting my % back and then going from there and trying harder to get a better grade instead of getting written or verbal feedback

  2. the rubric didnt help because i like just having a grade and i dont really care about what i need to improve on. if you really want to improve find out how to yourself

  3. Personally, I think that using the rubric has been a good way of showing feedback. It shows the flaws I have to focus on in writing, points out my strengths and shows me what specifically to expect. I feel its a beneficial method.

  4. I found the rubric fairly helpful. Instead of me trying to figure out where I went wrong in my writing, the rubric clearly states my flaws and strengths. This is why i find the rubric helpful.


  5. It helped to let me know where I am at with my writing. It also showed me what was expected for me to accomplish and showed me my flaws and strengths. It showed me how I got the mark I got and how I can improve my writing skills for the next time I have to do another writing project.

  6. I think that the rubric is a good idea when used correctly and makes life way less frustrating when trying to improve your mark. I wish they were more colorful tho cuz black and white is pretty boring and nothing beats rainbow...

    1st legit comment!!!

  7. yup i think this rubric helped me cuz it showed me what i need to improve on and work harder at so i can work on it. it also showed me what i did good at. i also like the percent thing cuz then i know exactly were its at and cuz its good.

  8. As long as their is some feedback as to what needs improvement, I don't really have a preference to what system is used. The rubric did not help, in my opinion, to improve my writing, but it did help me to get a better grade by showing me exactly what was expected, as marking written work can be slightly subjective.

  9. I believe that the six-point system and the feedback greatly helps my writing, because I can then focus on the areas I am lacking in and improve them. The six-point system also provides more information than the standard 5-point system.

  10. Well for me it actually helped a fair bit. It's helped on seeing my strengths and what I need to work on. I didn't like the percentage system because it was so vague and didn't really tell you why your mark was what it was. It really did help to know what was expected and recording what you should work on has ben handy because if you know what your flaws are, then you can direct your attention on what's more needed.

  11. I think that the Rubric has improved my writing. It has showed what I should focus on in my future writing pieces. It has also helped me to see what is expected of my writing, without just a number.

  12. I like the rubric

  13. I guess the rubric does help somewhat by giving u the exact parts of you're paragraph where u epic failed. But I still like the % system more because i enjoy knowing my grade!

  14. Thanks to those of you who answered the question on the blog. It is really important that I know who has commented. Therefore, if you are one of the anonymous senders, can you please let me know who you are so that I can check you off my list. If you have not answered, I'll expect to hear from you soon. Make sure to leave your first name!

  15. I think that the rubric helped me because it helped show me what was expected the next time that I would write something. It also told me what I need to focus on. I think that it is useful because it helps me keep track of my strengths and flaws.

  16. It helped me because i would know where you think my wrighting skills are, and so i know what place of wrighting i should focus on.

  17. I think that the rubric helped because it tells us what are strengths and what are flaws are. The % system I don't think works because it just gives us a % so we don't know what to improve on.

  18. it help me to see what to improve on

  19. i think it is a good way of marking because it tells me what to focus on

  20. i think it helped because i showed me wear my weakness are, it also helped because it showed what was expected for a good mark

  21. I don't like the rubric because I like knowing my mark and the rubric can be all over the place if you don't have 100% on the writing. I do like that it is fair though so you can understand the reasoning behind the mark. Overall I dislike this method of marking.

  22. I found the rubric was useful but, when the teachers just write comments on the paper itself right where the mistake is I find it helps much more.

  23. I think that the rubric is a good idea when used correctly and makes life way less frustrating when trying to improve your mark. I wish they were more colorful tho cuz black and white is pretty boring and nothing beats rainbow...

  24. I found the rubric fairly helpful. Instead of me trying to figure out where I went wrong in my writing, the rubric clearly states my flaws and strengths. This is why i find the rubric helpful.

  25. the rubric doesnt help me really cause i dont bother to look at it but it is good if you like it

  26. I enjoyed using the rubric to pinpoint my area of focus.

  27. I think that the feedback coming from the rubric was very helpful, as it showed me what I had to improve on. However, the percentage system was useful as it gives you a better indication of your actual grade. In the end, I would want at least some feedback so I can continue to improve my writing.

  28. surre it kinda helped but now i have a diffrent weakness homie u no wat im sayin dog but ya it helped my find my weak ness

  29. The rubric helps show where to fix your writing but I like getting a mark too.

  30. I believe that the writing rubric does help because it tells me what I'm good at and what I need to improve on. So instead of wondering what I need to do to make my writing better I can just look at the rubric attached to my work.

  31. I did not look at it because i don't like SCHOOL!!!!

  32. I don't think the rubric really helped me, i would have rather had verbal or writing on the piece of paper my story or what ever it was was on. it was awkward doing other people rubrics, i didn't like it very much. Some times when i got it back after a peer had marked it i felt like they gave me a good mark to to be mean... i had the same thing every time, and most people forgot about or didn't care about it. waste of paper.

  33. I Think It on one hand is a good idea to be able to see our flaws and such on a rubric. However I don't think it works for everyone I think some people benefit better from a percentage so they can look over it and judge their writing themselves and improve based on what they see. i think maybe insted of using just one using both would be helpful to benefit everyone

  34. Well, the rubric does kind of tell you what you need to work on. I mean, don't get me wrong, that helps and everything but I think it takes too much time to highlight and edit other peoples work, and editing can be difficult! I think i would rather just be graded normally with a percent. That way it's easier and less time consuming.

  35. I personally didn't find it very helpful. I like feedback and all, but I would rather have someone read it and tell me what they think. That way I can ask them on the spot where I made a mistake or where it could be improved, instead of trying to find it myself. I also felt very pressured when I had to highlight the rubric, I didn't want to be too harsh and I didn't want to be too soft. It is a great idea but it is not for me... I'm sorry.....

  36. I like the writing rubric because it helps me see how well I'm doing and what I need to improve on. But I don't like the fact that we have to grade other peoples writing. Even though it may be helping them see how they're doing...I don't like to have to judge their writing, especially when they get a bad mark. But I do like the fact of being able to see what I am and am not good at. I just don't like how long it takes...kinda sucks for you.

  37. the rubric was very helpful for focusing on your area of weakness aswell as finding your strengths. useful

  38. I think it was pretty helpfull, showed what i needed to work on.,,,,,,.....

  39. I personally didn't think the rubric helped me at all. :( I don't care much about how I write unless I dislike it myself. There were times when it did help however. In my opinion though no, I don't think rubrics help very much. If you think your writing is good then use that ( Double check your writing though just incase you have 30-40 errors ) Don't care how other people think about your writing.

  40. i like it because it shows me what i need to improve on, and it shows
    me what im already good at, but i dont like how i have to mark my classmates work because i would rather just finish my own work.

  41. I kind of like it because it shows me what I need to work on. mmmmmmmmmkkkkkkkkkkkk

  42. it make me smarter i like it it cinda makes me angry it helps
