Thursday 31 October 2013

Reading 8/9

Today students began by steady reading, while I pulled students to assess for accuracy.

Students then had some free choice reading at the end of class.

Senior Band

Students played through all of their repertoire today!!

It was a productive class.

Band Camp is coming up this November 15th & 16th.  We are going to have a great time!!

Happy Halloween.  Have fun, but be safe!

English 8

This morning we had a writing session.  The task was to create a dialogue in the first person, using present tense, of either Dally or Johnny, minutes prior to their deaths.

Students brainstormed emotions felt by both Johnny and Dally just prior to their deaths.

 Next, students discussed and then collaborated to create a topic sentence for each of the characters to begin the paragraph.

Students could begin their writing with either this or their own topic sentence.  The paragraph was expected to be between 150-200 words.

When complete, students were given a quotation task to be completed in partners.  They were asked to figure out who the speaker was and why that quotation was significant.

Wednesday 30 October 2013

Socials 9

Students continued today with their annotated bibliographies.

We will hold interviews next class to assess student productivity and achievement with these inquiry projects.

Language Arts 7

Today students chose a character from Touching Spirit Bear about which to write a poem.

We generated information about a character as a class to model this process.  Here we chose Edwin.

Students then generated information about a character of their choice and wrote a poem.  We began sharing the poems with each other, but did not have time to read them all.  We will continue reading these poems on Monday.

Foods 11/12

Today students completed their first head chef challenge.

All groups were successful and some delicious creations were sampled.

Social Studies 7

Today students began class by brainstorming topics of inquiry.  Anything of interest to students is fair game for this short project.

Students were then asked to complete a unit terms sheet in partners.
 Finally, we went over the definitions as a class and students used the remaining time to ponder more about their inquiry questions.

Tuesday 29 October 2013

Senior Band

Students played through a few pieces that we will be performing this coming Remembrance Day.

Reading 8/9

Today students were asked to complete a short story comprehension exercise in class.

When complete, students could free read.

English 8

Today students began with a journal entry.

We then discussed the elements of a story and plotted them on our story plot diagram.

Students were then provided a study guide to look over and complete.  We will be having The Outsiders test next week.

Monday 28 October 2013

Language Arts 7

Today we began with a journal entry.

After reading chapter 28 together, students plotted events from the story on the story plot graph.

Finally, students began a story summary exercise.

Socials 9

Today students began by taking notes.  Students away will have to ask for the notes missed.

We then began more research for our inquiry questions.

Students were asked to begin an annotated bibliography on their topics.  These will be due by the end of next class.

Most students have begun investigating a topic area of interest.

Socials 7

Today students used the following words to answer comprehension questions:

1) Why must we be skeptical and think critically when reading a webpage, book, or watching a documentary?

2) What is a more reliable source: newspaper, magazine, documentary?

3) Put the following human activities in order:
city building
hunting and gathering

Students then discussed their answers in small groups and as a class.

Foods 11/12

Today students were given the dates for the head chef challenge.

Our head chefs on Wednesday will be Dane, Jordan, Jess, and Brieanne.

Students then practiced a journal entry and will be assessed using a rubric.  Students will have the opportunity to check over their assessment before they write their entries after the first head chef challenge.

Finally, we looked over the first unit of Food Safe and looked at a food poisoning case study.

Friday 25 October 2013

English 8

Today students sat in the HOT SEAT!!

Students were given a ten minute warm up and then the questions began to fly!

Thanks for everyone's participation.

Reading 8/9

Today students continued with their class routine.  Most students successfully filled out a journal entry.

Next class I will complete another running reading record assessment with each student.

Senior Band

Thanks to those of you who are practicing!

It is very important that I receive the concert notice back quickly.  Thanks for getting them filled out.

Last call for Band Camp!!

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Socials 7

Today we began by recalling our topics from last class: hunting and gathering, and farming.

We then looked at the evolution of hunting and gathering and farming to see the shift from small groups of people living together to cities with many people.  We read pages 60 and 61 together as a class.  Students then completed a flow chart similar to the one found on p.62-63 of their textbook.

See the picture below:

This is due for homework.

Socials 9

Students began by refreshing their memories by using the first five minutes to complete the timeline exercise from last class.

Students then had a short quiz to complete.  We marked the quiz in class and everyone passed.

Students learned about how to formulate an inquiry question.

Next, we generated a list of potential topic ideas.

Finally, students had a chance to do some investigation.  It is important to consider that some students may need to adjust their questions as they continue.  There is no guarantee that their topic of interest has source material available.

Language Arts 7

Another busy day in Grade 7!

Today we read chapter 25 together.  Students discussed Cole's dances (whale p.152, wolf p.162, bear p. 173) and what he learned from each animal.  Students, in small groups, created a dance to share with the class.  They then explained what they had learned from their dance.  Students had great discussion today and shared many lessons they have learned over the years.  This is a group of seasoned learners!

Students must finish the book over the weekend (chapters 26-28).

Tuesday 22 October 2013

English 8

Students began with a journal write.  We then watched the rest of The Outsiders.

Students had time after the movie to practice for the HOT SEAT, which will take place on Thursday.  I look forward to seeing everyone in character!

Senior Band

Students are starting to sound like a team.  This is very exciting.  I look forward to hearing everyone at the Remembrance Day Ceremony.

Reading 8/9

Today I assessed student accuracy using a running record.  Students were provided with an unknown text and asked to read it aloud.

While individual students were being assessed, the rest of the class read silently.  Students then completed a journal entry.

Monday 21 October 2013

Socials 7

Today students began by reading pages 54-55 in the textbook and then discussed the pros and cons of hunting and gathering and farming.  Students speculated on how and why farming came to replace hunting and gathering.

We further discussed the scientific definition of a hypothesis (a speculation which can be tested).  We concluded that since a hypothesis of this subject matter could not be tested, we can only continue to speculate.

To rouse student involvement, we had a couple rounds of 7-Up.

We then watched about 10 more minutes of the documentary from last class (we are now at 37 minutes).

Foods 11/12

Today students baked cornbread to go with their chili, which was made last week.

Unfortunately, many students were away today.

Language Arts 7

Today students began with a journal entry.

Students then generated lists of adjectives describing the settings of Touching Spirit Bear: Minneapolis and Alaska.

Students then worked in small groups to come up with two sentences, one describing Alaska and one describing Minneapolis.  After much practice, students wrote their own sentences to be handed in for marks.  I will use the conventions component of our rubric to assess the sentences.

Socials 9

Today students began with a quiz based on the work we did last class.  They were provided a piece of evidence from 1651 and asked to name the type and kind of source, two aspects that they knew from the source, and finally three speculations about the evidence.

Students were then asked to take notes on the trial of Charles I, his execution, and his successor Oliver Cromwell.

Finally students were asked to complete a timeline in partners of the events leading to the British Civil War.

Saturday 19 October 2013

Language Arts 7

October 18 2013

Today students were fortunate to have a guest reader.  Cam did a fine job of reading chapter 21 of Touching Spirit Bear.

Students then completed their setting drawings.  We will begin creating sentences to match our setting drawings next week.  As well, students began drafts for a class paper totem.  Students have been investigating lessons that they might learn from animals, just like Cole from Touching Spirit Bear.  I look forward to exploring this concept with the students!

Students are asked to read chapters 22 and 23 for homework.

Socials 9

October 18 2013

Today students were asked to provide data for sources from 17th century Britain.  They first had to decide whether the source was primary or secondary and the type of information the data was presenting.  Secondly, students had to provide two pieces of information that they knew the source was delivering.  Thirdly, students had to provide three speculations suggesting what the evidence might mean and or be used during the British Civil war.

The example we looked at was a recorded speech from James I.

After reading this speech, I modelled the task:

Students were then given the following samples of evidence to extract information and make speculations:

Students handed in their evidence data collection and speculations at the end of class.

Socials 7

October 18 2013

Today grade sevens went outside to explore the forest around us.  We dug in a few areas out back in the woods.  Much to our pleasure, Jana again found another artifact!  This time it was a piece of pottery dated 2010 and we have speculated that it is in fact from one of our very own PHSS students.

We then watched the Homo Sapiens documentary below from 15 minutes to 28 minutes.

Foods 11/12

October 18 2013

This morning students began by writing down all the cooking terms they know.  After three minutes, they counted the number of terms and then each student said one aloud, which they believed that no one else might have written.

Students then investigated a subunit from the BC Food Safe Program and explained its relevance to the class.

Check the website below for the Food Safe unit plan.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Reading 8/9

Today we read more from Animal Farm.  Student then had steady reading time and a journal entry.  We finished by having a free read and share time at the end of class.

Senior Band

Please get your band camp notices in!!

English 8

Today students had Mrs DeJong as a teacher.  They began the class with a free reading time.  Students were able to explore texts at their leisure.

Students then watched more of The Outsiders movie.  Students must remember that next week we will begin our hot seat activity!

Wednesday 16 October 2013

Socials 9

Students began with a quiz on the British Civil War.  Students can expect more quizzes like this in the future.

Students were then explained the concept of "plagiarism" and how to avoid it.

We then read pages 37-38 of the textbook together.  Students were asked to discuss questions 2 and 3 in small groups.

Finally, students were given choice reading time from the social studies section of the bookcase.

Language Arts 7

Students began with a journal entry.

We then read chapter 20 aloud.

Students were finally given time to complete their setting pictures from last day.

Foods 11/12

Today students made vegetarian chili.  This will be frozen and paired with corn bread next Monday.

Social Studies 7

Today students read pages 51-53 in their textbooks.

Students were then asked to replicate the weapon evidence found on page 53 by sketching the evidence and then speculating three possibilities for the weapons.

See Lauryn's work below.

Students, when completed, read from the National and Canadian Geographic magazines at the back of the class.

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Senior Band

Students must remember to practice the Remembrance Day pieces.  Students should meet at the legion on November 11 at about 10:15am to set up and prepare for the performance.

Reading 8/9

Tuesday, October 15 2013

Today students began with a free read.  Students then had time for steady reading and a journal entry.

Students were then given the task of trying to convince another student as to why he or she should read his or her chosen book.

English 8

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Today students began with a journal entry and then watched more of The Outsiders.

Language Arts 7

Friday, October 11 2013

Today we read chapters 16 and 17 together.  Students then looked at images from Alaska and Minneapolis, the two settings of Touching Spirit Bear.  Students then began drawing the two setting juxtaposed on one piece of paper.  These will be continued next class.

Students were asked to read chapters 18 and 19 for homework.

Foods 11/12

Friday, October 11 2013

Today students blanched tomatoes.  These were then frozen to be used in next week's chilli.

Students were then introduced to our upcoming challenge.  Each student will create and work as head chef of a recipe.  Students will then journal their experience.  I look forward to seeing what fabulous creations come out of this challenge, as well as assess management skills and the ability to take directions from peers.

Socials 9

Friday, October 11 2013

Students discussed bias and how our own bias often clouds an accurate depiction of events.

Students were then given more time to work on their front page newspaper projects.

Students who had completed these watched a documentary on the British Civil War, through a Scottish perspective (or bias).

English 8

Thursday, October 10 2013

Today students were quizzed on The Outsiders.  Students then watched the movie, The Outsiders, while I pulled students to assess reading fluency.

We will continue with watching the movie over the next few days.

Senior Band

Thursday, October 10 2013

Today students worked through Bb, Eb, and F scales and then rehearsed O Canada and God Save the Queen.

Please get your band camp forms in!

Reading 8/9

Thursday, October 10 2013

Today we finished the rest of chapter 6 in Animal Farm.

Students then watched a demonstration on how to complete a journal entry.

Students then read their own steady reading books and completed their own journal entry on what they had read, making a personal, outside world, and literary connection.

Students also read aloud to me privately throughout the class.

Wednesday 9 October 2013

Foods 11/12

Today students were asked to complete a questionnaire.  They were then given time to arrange their assessment folders, which were handed in.

Students were also asked to find a recipe and procedure for an ethnic food dish.  This should be handed in to me.

Socials 7

Today students began by answering the following question:
This was our line of inquiry today.  Students were invited to list, draw, or chart their responses.

We then read pages 46-47 in the textbook together.  Next, I modelled the assignment for the day, which was to sketch, extract evidence, and speculate on the evidence in small groups.  Students used the information on pages 48-50 in the textbook to base their findings.

Students did a walk about to inspect each group's sketch, evidence, and speculation.

Finally, we ended by beginning a documentary on human evolution.  Students were asked to write out 5 wonders and 2 pieces of evidence with speculations.  We watched 15 minutes of this documentary.

Socials 9

Today we began by taking notes on the crown's dealings with parliament in the lead up to civil war.

Please see me if you missed these notes.

We then watched the following clip:

A number of students must write their religion quiz.  Please see me by Friday.

Students were given the remainder of the class to complete their newspapers.  I will give students 25 more minutes on Friday.

Language Arts 7

October 9 2013

Today we began the class by reading chapter 13 together.  We have now finished reading part one of Touching Spirit Bear.

The class was then introduced to story plotting.  We took notes and then plotted the story together on a chart.


TSB Story Plot:

Students working on the exercise:

Students then were assigned chapters 14 and 15 to read for the remainder of class, while I pulled students to assess fluency of reading.  If students did not finish the reading, it is to be done for homework.

Tuesday 8 October 2013

English 8

Students began class with a journal write.

We then brainstormed questions to be asked during the "hot seat" exercise, which will take place next week.  Students then practiced asking each other these questions in character.

Finally, students chose 5 questions from the chapter 12 question list to answer in full sentences.

We will have a quiz on the whole novel next class.

Senior Band

Today students were given the music for O Canada and God Save the Queen.  These must be practiced to perfection for Remembrance Day in a month's time.

Reading 8/9

October 8 2013

Today we discussed in further detail, the three components of assessment in this course: fluency, accuracy, and comprehension.

As I read half of chapter 6 from Animal Farm, students assessed my fluency.  Next, students chose a book to read for class.  Students will be keeping a comprehension journal for these novels.

Monday 7 October 2013

Socials 7

Students began by reading pages 34 and 35 in the textbook.  We then, in small groups, discussed discrepancies between the textbook and the Iceman documentary we've been viewing.

Students generated a useful list of these similarities and differences.

We then watched the rest of the documentary.  Any students who have missed portions can view the Iceman documentary using the link below:

Students were then given the following task:

This was handed in at the end of class.  Any students who did not finish must complete this for homework.

Foods 11/12

Today students cooked their pies.  This was quite a process!  All pie crusts were successful.  Some students were not happy with their fillings.  I would ask students to consider how they might make a filling better.

Language Arts 7

Students began today's class with a journal write.

We then established partner clocks.

Students listened to chapter 10 read aloud by the me.

Then, using 3 o'clock partners, students role-played themselves as both Peter and Cole.  The role-play was meant to represent Cole and Peter's next encounter.

Students then read chapter 11 silently, while I pulled students to read to me.  I was assessing reading fluency.  Please see the rubric below:

Students have been assigned chapters 11 and 12 for reading homework.

Socials 9

October 7 2013

Today students began with a 3 minute write.  The goal was to explain what civil war is and how it affects inhabitants of an area.

We then had a brief review of what a newspaper looks like and what kinds of stories that it features.

Before diving into our newspaper projects, we watched the following clip:

Students then took the remainder of the class to work on their newspaper projects.

Two minutes before the bell, students assessed their previous response to civil war and its effects.

Friday 4 October 2013

Language Arts 7

Today students began by reading chapter 7.

Students discussed clever things that Cole did in this chapter.

We then read chapter 8.  Students discussed and then provided a written response about whether or not they felt sorry for Cole.

Chapter 9 has been assigned for homework.

Socials 9

Today we began by looking at some pictures from c.1600-1650.  Students formulated questions based on the pictures.

We then read pages 31-35 in the text book.

Students were given the task of creating a newspaper front page.  Students will have 2 classes (after today's class) to complete the assignment.  The rubric for the assignment is below:

I look forward to hearing all about the lead up to the British Civil War!!

You can find much information in your text book.  Some additional places to seek information can be found below:

Socials 7

Today we explored outside, looking for a good spot to dig.  Jana, one of the archeologists, found what we suspect to be a fish jaw bone.  We have handed it over to our science department (Ms Mullins) for further investigation.

Upon coming inside, we continued watching the Ice Man documentary.  Students recorded 5 wonders and 5 new pieces of evidence.

Foods 11/12

Today students rolled out their dough and mixed the fillings for their pies.  Most students have a pie ready to be baked up on Monday.

Those students who were not present must find someone from class willing to work with them as a peer tutor to make their dough and filling.  They may bake their pie on Wednesday.

Thursday 3 October 2013

Reading 8/9

In today's class we had a brief discussion about what students hope to achieve in this class.  We then had some individual reading time.  Students are encouraged to have a book ready for independent reading each class.

Senior Band

Today's rehearsal was successful.  Students are making good progress on their instruments.

I will look forward to hearing your further improvements next week!

English 8

October 3 2013

Today students completed a chapter 9 and 10 quiz on The Outsiders.

We next read chapter 11 together.  After, students were given more time to skim read and find character attributes from the book.  Students were given a Character Attributes Outline to fill out.  It is important that students remember to write the page number along with the attribute.

Finally, students were asked to read chapter 12 and complete the book over the weekend.

Wednesday 2 October 2013

Socials 9

Today students began class by watching a demo on marking an assignment using a rubric.  Students then, in pairs, assessed another student's work.  Our goal was to become somewhat proficient in assessing quality work.  Students then had the difficult task of self assessment.

We then read pages 28-30 from Crossroads and students answered question #2 on page 31.

Language Arts 7

Today we had Tami Forsythe in to work with us about circle justice.  We practiced using an eagle feather and were explained its importance with regard to truth.

Students did a fabulous job of relating what Tami taught us with the novel Touching Spirit Bear.  I look forward to hearing more from the students next class.

Foods 11/12

Today students made pastry dough.  We will roll out the dough on Friday and bake our individual pies.

Socials 7

This morning we began by reading pages 28-30 in the textbook.  Students discussed methods for finding evidence.

We then looked at some pictures of the Ice Man Mummy.  Students wondered about the pictures and asked questions aloud.

We then were interrupted briefly to have school photos taken.

Finally, we watched the first 16 minutes of a documentary on the Ice Mummy.

Students were asked to find three things to wonder about and two pieces of evidence that might tell us about the Ice Mummy.

Tuesday 1 October 2013

Senior Band

Today we went through Bb, Eb, and F scales.

It is very important that students practice As The Dawn Breaks and Amazing Grace for Remembrance Day.

Reading 8/9

October 1 2013

Today we watched the following clip:

We then read up to chapter six in Animal Farm.

Finally, students were invited to view and check out a book from the library.

English 8

October 1 2013

Students began with a journal write this morning.

Students then had a mini quiz to assess their understanding of chapter 9 from The Outsiders.  Students will have a quiz on chapters 9 and 10 next class.

Students watched a brief demonstration of skim reading.  We then skim read through the book and found quotations that describe a chosen character.  Students were responsible for marking five quotations using sticky notes.

We discussed the hot-seat, which is how students' character studies will be assessed.

Finally, students practiced orally how to respond correctly to a question in written form.  It is imperative that students use part of the question in their responses.

Chapter 10 is to be read for homework.  As well, any students who have not completed their chapter 5 questions (1-5) must complete these for homework.