Thursday 12 February 2015

Language Arts 7

This morning students began by identifying adjectives.  We listed a number of adjectives before watching the video below:

Students then were timed to see how many adjectives they could write down in 2 minutes.  Julia won with 35 adjectives.

Students were asked to take the following notes on poetic devices:

Students then came up with a few metaphors and alliterations on their own.

Finally, we began writing haiku poems.  Student were provided the following handout and then asked to try writing a few of their own haikus.

A haiku poem:
·      has three lines (1st line = 5 syllables, 2nd line = 7 syllables, 3rd line = 5 syllables)
·      is about nature
·      uses poetic devices


thick blanket of snow
snuggling the flowerbeds
with a winter wrap

Heavenly Herald
dainty daffodil
your golden trumpet fanfares
the dawning of spring

tiny snow angel
snowflakes kiss your rosy cheeks
white winter beauty

Please write as many haikus as you can below (or on the back):


After lunch, students read for 20 minutes and then set up for band.


  1. PLEASE can you credit me as being the author of all three haiku shown on this page

    many thanks

    Jan Allison

  2. PLEASE can you credit me as being the author of all three haiku shown on this page

    many thanks

    Jan Allison
