Friday, 28 November 2014

Language Arts 7

Today students began by reading for 25 minutes.

Students were then told they may use the rest of the class time to work on either my setting assignment or their powerpoint projects from Ms McKnight's class.  If they chose the powerpoint option, students will most likely then have homework over the weekend for Language Arts.

Their setting assignments are due on Monday, December 1, 2014 by the end of class.

After lunch, we read or worked through the music notation booklet (student choice), before moving into working through our band method book.

Everyone was asked to play through #18.

English 8/9 (1)

Today students continued to finish up their project plans, so that they may begin their actual projects. Most students have now completed their rubrics in addition to the rationale and criteria.  We did have a brief reminder about how to generate a rubric:

Students have been working very hard and are showing a strong understanding about how they plan to learn.  I am very pleased with their progress.

Thanks for your hard work, everyone!

Thursday, 27 November 2014

English 8/9 (2)

Today students were reminded how to work through a rubric.  As such, we created the model below to remind us:

We also defined the difference between criteria and rubric:

Students then were set off to work on completing their project outlines.  Once the outline is complete, students may begin on their actual project.

Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Language Arts 7

Today students began by reading for 25 minutes.  Students were asked to choose a passage for which they would read to their peers in a small group.  They were also asked to address why they liked that particular passage, and how they were abler o relate to the passage.

After 25 minutes of reading, students split into two small groups, one group read with me present and the other group read to Mr Bishop.

When students finished this task, they were asked to begin working on their setting assignments from last day.  Mr Bishop also came in to have a short discussion.

After lunch, students continued to work on their setting assignments.  We then took a short clean up break to prepare and set up for band.

Students were asked to work on #18 in their method books for homework.  I will assess them individually on Friday.

English 8/9 (1)

Today students worked to complete their subjects, rationales, PLOs, and criteria.

I will check over these drafts and hand them back for next class.

Students were also reminded the difference between criteria and the rubric:

Overall, these have been very well done.  I look forward to seeing these projects flourish!

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

English 8/9 (2)

Today students worked to complete the first four aspects of their projects:


The rubric will be due by the end of next class.  Most students will commence work on their projects!

Can't wait to see the process through!

Monday, 24 November 2014

Language Arts 7

Today students were given the first 25 minutes of class to read their novels.

While reading, students were asked to think about the following:

After students had read, we generated a list of criteria for the upcoming setting assignment:

Finally, students set to work on their assignments using this rubric:

Rubric for Setting Assignment

·      draw a city
·      draw culture
·      map
·      environment
·      facts about population
·      draws only one feature
·      draws two features
·      draws three or more
·      draws all features, plus
·      date
·      clock/time
·      day/night
·      only one feature
·      more than one feature
·      more than two features
·      all features
Why setting is important
·      environment
·      show part of story
·      show character
·      environment unclear
·      forgets important parts
·      does not show characters
·      environment somewhat clear
·      shows some important parts
·      shows some characters
·      clear environment
·      shows important parts
·      shows characters
·      clear environment with good connections
·      shows many important parts
·      shows main characters and side characters
Your life
·      different
·      same

·      shows no real meaningful aspect of your life
·      shows some aspects that highlight a similarity or difference
·      shows aspects of your life that highlight both similarities and differences

Here is a sample so far:

English 8/9 (1)

This is the link for the grade 8 and 9 prescribed learning outcomes:

Today students continued with their personal projects.

Students have been informed that by the end of Wednesday's class, they must have the following complete:

PLOs (10 in total)

The Rubric will need to be completed before students may begin their project, however, students will be given another day to work on this.  The rubric will be due on Friday.

I am looking forward to the projects ahead!

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Language Arts 7: November 19

Today students first completed a DART reading assessment.

Students then had music with the TOC.

English 8/9 (1): November 19

Today students worked with the TOC on their personal projects.

English 8/9 (2)

Please see the link below for PLOs:

Today students were assigned memory sticks and worked towards completion of the following on their projects:


All but the rubric will be due by the end of Tuesday's class next week (November, 25th, 2014).

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

English 8/9 (2)

Today students continued on with their independent projects.

Students were guided through creating their criteria for their chosen subjects.  I modelled what this would look like for myself:

Mastery of subject
·      can they talk about it
·      can they teach it
·      can they write about it
·      do they know it
·      have they researched it
·      have they looked at more than one source
·      can they compare their knowledge to that of another
Do they have a rationale for choosing this topic?
·      explain why they chose the topic
·      number of reasons
·      quality of reasons
Can they assess their own learning?
·      rubric
·      create criteria
·      assess their peer’s learning
·      assess their own learning
·      correct and edit their own work
·      make improvements
·      ask peers for feedback
Did they show an ability to read for information
·      provide sources
·      talk about sources
Can they write about your topic?
·      write a test
·      write a paragraph
·      show a diagram
·      write a script

Using their own chosen prescribed learning outcomes and depending upon their subject, students began to create criteria for their own projects.  This criteria will be developed into a rubric for which to assess their projects.

Monday, 17 November 2014

English 8/9 (1)

Today students began the process of designating criteria to their projects.

Students were given a demonstration on how I would generate criteria for students on this project.

Mastery of subject
·      can they talk about it
·      can they teach it
·      can they write about it
·      do they know it
·      have they researched it
·      have they looked at more than one source
·      can they compare their knowledge to that of another
Do they have a rationale for choosing this topic?
·      explain why they chose the topic
·      number of reasons
·      quality of reasons
Can they assess their own learning?
·      rubric
·      create criteria
·      assess their peer’s learning
·      assess their own learning
·      correct and edit their own work
·      make improvements
·      ask peers for feedback
Did they show an ability to read for information
·      provide sources
·      talk about sources
Can they write about your topic?
·      write a test
·      write a paragraph
·      show a diagram
·      write a script

Using their own chosen prescribed learning outcomes and depending upon their subject, students began to create criteria for their own projects.  This criteria will be developed into a rubric for which to assess their projects.

Language Arts 7

Today students began by reading their novels.  Students were then asked to create a personal identity web in their journals:

After they created their webs, students were asked to answer the following question in a full sentence:

Students then related this character to their own personal identities, either in chart or sentence form (see the first photo).

Finally, students were asked to choose 6 unfamiliar words from their novels to define and provide a picture.  Students also need to provide the page number from the book on which the word is found.

Name: ____________________________________                                    Date: _________________________

Word & Definition                                                                      Illustration

















