Monday, 31 March 2014

Band 7

Today students had an in class test on #42 from the Method Book.  Students were assigned #58: Hard Rock Blues for homework.

Foods 8-10

Today students watched and then made salsa and cheese crisps.  The labs were very successful!

Foods 10-11

Today students watched and then made salsa and cheese crisps.  The labs were very successful!

Friday, 28 March 2014

Senior Band

Today we worked more on 6/8 time.  Students were asked to play rhythms and then notate their durations.

Students then had to work out concert Db on their own.

Finally, we work through four of our pieces.  Thanks for your hard work on a Friday afternoon!

English 8

This afternoon, students presented their Iqbal projects.  For the most part, these projects were sensitive and considerate of the subject material: child slavery.

Unfortunately, some audience behaviour was disruptive and rude.  We will have to work on this skill in the future.

After an attempted discussion on audience manners, we watched ten more minutes of the documentary, "Through a Blue Lens."

Language Arts 7

Today students began by brainstorming what they remembered from last class: the possible connections which could be made when reading a text.  Students were encouraged to use these ideas today when reading their literature circle books.

After 30 minutes of steady reading, we got together in a big circle and shared connections made to our books.  Students were active participants and made insightful connections to their books.

Socials 10

Today students were asked to read pages 56-61 in the Green Handbook and complete Exercise 13.

Students were quizzed on the four economic systems most used in today's world.

Students then had the remainder of class of investigate their stocks and make changes.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

English 8

Students began with a journal entry.

We then discussed the two presentations that students took part in on Tuesday.  Students were asked to write a short blurb on what they learned or what they already knew about the subject matter.

Students then requested to watch the documentary "Through A Blue Lens", which tracks drug addicts on the downtown East Side of Vancouver.  There was some disturbing material and graphic images which we discussed at the end of class as a way of debriefing what was seen.  Please talk to your child about what they saw and have this conversation.  The more information kids have, the better the choices they will make.

Senior Band

Today students worked at tuning (by playing chords chromatically).

Students then worked through pieces.  We will be playing Primeval Stormfront and Pink Panther at the music festival on April 22.

Socials 10

Today students read a short article called "On Paleolithic Politics."  Students were asked to describe the premise of the article in a 10-word sentence.  Students then shared their sentences.

Students then tried to grapple with why we chose to stray from early economies to more complex structures like capitalism (for example).

Students then took notes on the four systems of economies most practiced today: traditional, capitalist, command, and mixed.

Students then again tried to decide (with much debate) what would make them most happy.  We came back to the same question that has been asked since the first day they came into my classroom.  Why are we here?

Students were then given some time to work on their stocks in How The Market Works.Com.

Language Arts 7

Today students began the class by completing a journal write.

Students were then read a poem called Cooks Brook, by Al Pittman.

At the end, students were asked to "say anything" about the poem.  Students were encouraged to make a personal connection, connect to something else another student said, or describe a feeling.   When everyone had a chance to speak, students were asked to go back into small groups and discuss the following questions:

In order to answer the second question, we generated a list of words and play on words to help:

Finally, students were asked to share any final details about how they connected to the poem.

Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Foods 10-11

Today students baked pizza pretzels.  It was a great lab!

Foods 8-10

Today students baked pizza pretzels.  It was a great lab!

Band 7

Today students worked through the method book and were introduced to eighth notes (ti-ti).

We will continue working on eighth notes next class.  Students should work up to #43 in the method book.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014

Senior Band

Today really was just seniors, since the juniors had a presentation.

We rehearsed a number of pieces and well as looked at 6/8 time.

Thanks for a great rehearsal seniors!

English 8

This afternoon students had a presentation and discussion with Frances on substance abuse.  I jotted down the following information that was presented to students:

Language Arts 7

Today students went off to Madeira Park Elementary for a presentation during this block.

Socials 10

Today Joi Phillips came in to discuss the gold rush in British Columbia.  Her enthusiasm and immense knowledge added so much to this portion of the course.

Thanks Joi!

Anyone who missed the presentation may see me for slides.

Monday, 24 March 2014

Foods 8-10

Today I demonstrated pizza pretzels.  Students then looked at recipe planning for a future cooking event.  Students will make pizza pretzels next day.

Foods 10-11

Today I demonstrated pizza pretzels.  Students then looked at recipe planning for a future cooking event.  Students will make pizza pretzels next day.

Band 7

This morning students reacquainted themselves with their band instruments.  Unfortunately some did not practice over the break.  That means we are starting from square one again.  Alas...

Students should work on making their way up to #38.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Language Arts 7

Students had five minutes to prepare for lit circles.  Students then had a fifteen minute discussion about their novels.

Finally, students wrote a journal entry on a connection that had been made.

Have a Wonderful Spring Break!

Socials 10

After taking a quiz, students wrote notes on the Cariboo Gold Rush.

We look forward to our presentation from Joiee Phillips after the break.

Students had a chance today to begin buying stocks off the virtual stock market.

We will check these when we get back from break!

Senior Band

Students were very helpful today after we worked through some scales and played pieces.

Thanks All!

English 8

Students finished up their Iqbal Projects today!

Great work everyone!

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Socials 10

Students began the class with a quiz this morning.

After taking up the quiz, students took some notes on the fur trade.  Students were then asked to complete exercise #6 out of the green handbook.  More time will be given for this assignment tomorrow.

Language Arts

Today in Language Arts students went over how to expand their journal entries to ensure more meaningful connections.  Below are some samples of student work and student generated ideas about how to enhance their connections:

Students then had time the rest of the class to read their literature circle books.

English 8

Today was the last day for students to complete their Final Iqbal Projects.

We hope to present these tomorrow.

Senior Band

Students began by playing Concert Bb and C scales.

We then played through some of our pieces.

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Band 7

Today students played through their method books, starting at number #23.  Students worked up to #28.  Students must make sure to continue practicing over the break to ensure that their mouths/embouchures stay fit.

Students should work up to #38 (sorry, I know Christmas is over) at the minimum and can go ahead as far as they wish.

Students should practice 20 minutes at least per day.

HOMEWORK: from #27-38

Foods 10-11

This morning students watched a demonstration on how to make tomato mozza ciabattas.

Students then participated in a lab.  The product was tasty!

Foods 8-10

This morning students watched a demonstration on how to make tomato mozza ciabattas.

Students then participated in a lab.  The product was tasty!

Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Language Arts 7

Today students began by looking over a ministry designed rubric, specifying what grade sevens should know about reading literature by this time of year.

Students then changed the rubric into kid friendly language, to ensure maximum understanding.

Students then broke up into their literature circle groups to share their connections made from last night.

Students then wrote a journal entry, focussing on connection made in their group discussions.

HOMEWORK: 20 minutes of reading.

Socials 10

Today students began by reading pages 153-155 in the Green Handbook.  Students then completed a short activity to ensure comprehension of their reading.  Students were then asked to summarize in three points their reading:

1) John A Macdonald
2) National Policy needed for economic stability.
3) Canada needed the CPR

Students then watched a slide show presentation on the CPR and Macdonald's National Policy.

Finally, students were introduced to the stock market.  Students will begin making bids and purchasing stocks next class.  The purpose of this activity is to understand economics now and then.

Senior Band

Students should please bring in their band trip forms, so that I may begin to secure more activities.

Today I handed out two new pieces, The Lion King and Hallelujah.

English 8

Today, our presentation was postponed.  Therefore, students completed a journal write and then worked on their projects.  Students have had three classes to work on their Final Iqbal Projects and will have one more class this week to complete the assignment.  Students have been insightful and thoughtful in their responses.

Monday, 10 March 2014

Band / Language Arts 7

Today students began at #16 as their warm-up and then played through to #27.  For homework, students must perfect #25 and #27 (which includes their new note!!).

In Language Arts, students were given some time to read their lit circle books.  Students must have at least one connection to share in a lit circle tomorrow.

Foods 8-10

Today students first watched a demonstration on how to make cheesy potato wedges.  Students then made these in their lab.

Foods 10-11

Today students first watched a demonstration on how to make cheesy potato wedges.  Students then made these in their lab.

Friday, 7 March 2014

Foods 8-10

Today students watched a demo on how to make cheese pinwheels and then made them.

It was a reasonably good lab.

Foods 10-11

Today students made cheese pinwheels.  Thanks for everyone's extra help.

Language Arts 7

Today students participated in Literature Circles.  They shared many interesting connections and thoughtful ideas.

Thanks for your reliability and excellent manners!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

English 8

Today we discussed how the behaviour expectations we devised in our English class should be maintained throughout all of the other classes that students attend.  I continue to be concerned with the working (or non-working as the case may be) dynamic of this group of young people.

Once we'd had our "lecture", students broke into their groups to continue working on our final Iqbal projects.

Senior Band

Today we practiced concert scales Bb, Eb, F, Ab, and Chromatic.

We then played through our repertoire.

Socials 10

Today we began class by generating a web about what happiness looks like.  Students were asked to keep this in mind while taking notes on Economy of Canada (please see me if you need the notes).

Students were then asked to discuss money in relation to happiness.

Finally, students were given a handout designed to help them figure out and investigate their dream jobs.  This left many people struggling with narrowing down how to make money to ensure basic needs, while at the same time, maintain a sense of happiness.  Students were also asked to relate this job to Canada's three tiered economic sectors.

Language Arts 7

Today I began by checking student's homework for completion.  It is imperative that students complete what I assign, as it will almost always affect students' ability to participate in the activity the following class.

Students participated in a fishbowl experiment, where myself and five other students participated in a literature circle, while the rest of the class acted as reporters with the task of finding two of the best techniques used to ensure meaningful and insightful conversations and connections to the story that had been assigned for homework.

Students were also handed a new reading log.  Students are expected to read for 20 minutes five nights per week (or the equivalent thereof).  When the log is complete, students should hand this in a take a new sheet.

Finally, students were assigned a new class novel today, Trapped By Coal. 

HOMEWORK: Students should have a connection (text to self, text, or world) to share next class.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Foods 10-11

Today students completed their pizza pop lab.  They smelled and tasted delicious!

Foods 8-10

Today students completed their pizza pop lab.  They smelled and tasted delicious!

Band 7

Today Mrs Cameron was in for me.  Student conductor, Teaguen, took the rehearsal.  From all accounts, she did a magnificent job.  Thanks Teaguen!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014

Senior Band

Today we worked through Concert Bb, Eb, F, and Chromatic scales.

We then read through and played pieces.  It was a small group as our girl's basketball team is off to provincials! YAY!

English 8

Today students delved into their projects.  Most began successfully, creating scripts, powerpoint presentations, and designing templates for artwork.

Students will continue with this assignment next day.

Language Arts 7

Today students had a full block of Language Arts.  Students were asked their understanding of a Literature Circle.  Students had some great wonderings about the concept.

Once students fully understood that a Literature Circle is where people get together and discuss books, we came up with a list of requirements for a high functioning Lit Circle.

These great ideas will be turned into a rubric for future use when working through Lit Circle exercises.

Students practiced this exercise using their homework from last night.  Students, in groups of about 3-4 students read a quotation and connection together and then discussed further meanings and connections.  Students then got together in one big group and shared their connections.

HOMEWORK: Students must read through the short story "Nian" and answer the questions on the back.  Students should then find one quotation from the story and make a connection, either text to self, text, or outside world.

Socials 10

Today students began class by taking notes on ECONOMY.  This will become our next focus over the   next term.  Please see me if you require the notes.

Students then assessed another paragraph as a class.  Once students learn how to assess a paragraph, they will learn what is necessary to produce a strong piece of writing.

Students were given the rest of the class to complete their unfinished comparative region paragraphs.  Theses are now due and must be in by Thursday morning.

Monday, 3 March 2014

Foods 8-10

Today students had a demonstration on how to make pizza pops.

Once that was completed, students worked on their food bourn illness projects.

Foods 10-11

Today students had a demonstration on how to make pizza pops.

Once that was completed, students worked on their food bourn illness projects.

Language Arts/Band 7

Today students played through #11-22 in their method books.  Students have been assigned #23 for homework.

Language Arts:
Students were reminded about making connections to a given text (story or book).  Students were asked to read The Friends of Kwan Ming on p.263 in Crossroads 7.  Students were then asked to make:

Text to Self Connections
Text to Text Connections
Text to World Connections

These connections should be made on the sheet provided.  I modelled a Text to Self connection on the board and then filled out the sheet with my own connection as well.  Students should use this sample when making their own connections.  Students should have one quotation per Text Connection and about three to four sentences explaining the connection.

What students did not complete in class is for HOMEWORK and due tomorrow.