Friday, 30 September 2011

En 9: Reminders from Friday September 30, 2011

Today we finished The Pearl.  Students then created and acted out short scenes that would be relevant if creating a movie preview for the story.  Discussions surrounding the themes and symbols of the story were very telling today.  Most people agreed that Kino was selfish by wanting more for the pearl, but I wonder how many of them really wouldn't want the same.

We finished by beginning a review, as our unit test will take place Monday, October 10 2011.

If you need to re-read (or read) the novel, please take the next couple of weekends to do so.

SS 10: Reminders from Thursday, September 29 2011

Today we completed a short quiz on everything we have studied so far.  We then took notes on events leading up to and including the Durham Report.  Students should know the chart that represents responsible government, as you will have a pop quiz on this Tuesday.

We finished by watching Canada: A People's History (Rebellion and Reform).  During this video, we reenacted a few scenes that were relevant to our field of study.

Students will want to make sure that they have read p.50-56 in the green handbook.

En 9: Reminders from Wednesday September 28, 2011

Hi Grade Nines,

I hate to be away today, but alas, I have caught the cold going around.  Please make sure that you are polite to our TOC.  I will look forward to reading your journal entries!  I hope you enjoy reading the rest of The Pearl.

Ms MacInnes

Tuesday, 27 September 2011

SS 10: Reminders from Tuesday, September 27 2011

Today we did a homework check (the green sheet from the handbook).  We then completed a quiz on the early Colonial Government of Canada.  Students then clustered into groups, one the wealthy pioneers who formed an oligarchy government and three poor groups, who comprised lists of grievances.  Students then shared their thoughts with the class as a whole.

We took a few notes on the 1837 Rebellions, but will complete these next day.

Students will have a quiz on everything we have covered so far this term next class... please be prepared!

Ms MacInnes

Monday, 26 September 2011

Band Camp 2011

This year, band camp will occur on October 28-29 at the YMCA Camp Elphinstone.  Information and permission forms will be sent home with students on Tuesday September 27th.  Please make sure that forms and money are returned to the office by Thursday October 13th at the absolute latest.

Can't wait to see you at the performance!!

Ms MacInnes

En 9: Reminders from Friday September 23, 2011

Today we had our first class "tea and read" and it served as a great learning opportunity for all!  Just over half of the class performed their interviews and I was very happy with many of them.  Students remembered to stay in character and had well thought-out, interesting, insightful responses.  Thanks to those who put in the extra effort.

For next time, I would ask that all students bring mugs if they would like to participate in drinking tea or hot chocolate.

Ms MacInnes

SS 10: Reminders from Thursday, September 22 2011

To begin, students completed a quiz on The Immigrant Experience.  After, we read p.35-39 as a class and then completed exercise #4 from the Handbook.  Students then took notes on Canada's early colonial government.

Exercise #4 is for homework and will be checked and there will be a quiz next day on the Colonial Government of Canada.

En 9: Reminders from Wednesday September 21, 2011

Today we read chapter five from The Pearl.  We discussed and focused on the characteristics of a literary hero.  Ms Dornbeirer and I demonstrated what we are looking for when you present your interviews next class.  Finally, in small groups, students completed comprehension questions on chapter five.

Don't forget your mugs!

SS 10: Reminders from Tuesday, September 20 2011

Today we completed a quiz on Life in Upper Canada.  We continued with notes on The Immigrant Experience within Canada during the early 19th Century.

Students must read p.33-39 for homework and there will be a quiz next class on the notes from today.

Monday, 19 September 2011

En 9: Reminders from Monday September 19, 2011

Today we started with an in-class write on the social media presentation we had at the school on Thursday, September 15 2011.  We discussed how we use social media in our own lives, both wisely and unwisely.  Students must make sure that they complete this journal entry, as it is part of their HACE mark.

After the class write, students completed a quiz from chapters 1-4 of The Pearl.  Students then began their role-play exercise.  These interviews will be presented on Friday during our tea house.

Lastly, we began reading chapter five of The Pearl.  Please be aware that our unit test on the Pearl will take place on Friday, September 30 2011.  Make sure that you have read all of the chapters up to chapter five.

Ms MacInnes

Saturday, 17 September 2011

SS 10: Reminders from Friday, September 16 2011

Today we began by prioritizing past events that have led to Canadian nationalism.  Next, notes were taken outlining life in Upper Canada in the early 19th Century.  We then spent some time considering and writing about our simulated plots of land and how we might begin creating a homestead.  Finally we watched one clip from Canada: A People's History and answered questions.

At the end of the class, I collected the homestead paragraphs and assigned a reading from Horizons, p.23-32.  There will be a quiz on Tuesday on life in Upper Canada.

Please remember to keep up with your readings!

Ms MacInnes

Thursday, 15 September 2011

SS 10: Reminders from Thursday, September 15 2011

Today we were assigned roles for our pioneer simulation and continued with our review of grade nine curriculum.  Please make sure that you have read pages 14-22 in the Horizons text book so that you are prepared for tomorrow's lecture and note taking.

See you soon,

Ms MacInnes

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

En 9: Reminders from Wednesday September 14, 2011

Today we continued with our study of The Pearl, by reviewing chapter three.  Please make sure that you are prepared for the actual quiz, on chapters 1-4, that we will have this coming Monday.

It is important to keep up with your readings!!

See you next week.

SS 10: Reminders from Tuesday, September 13 2011

Today we reviewed important course content from Grade 9 Social Studies.  Students will be responsible for ensuring that they are aware of the following events:

1) The founding of HBC
2) The Seven Year's War
3) The Treaty of Paris
4) The Royal Proclamation
5) The Boston Tea Party
6) The Quebec Act
7) The Constitutional Act
8) The War of 1812

We will continue watching the historical media we began last class and then begin our Social Studies 10 curriculum, along with the introduction of our first artifact.

En 9: Reminders from Monday September 12, 2011

Today we completed a practice quiz on Chapters 1 & 2 of The Pearl.  We wrote in our journals about things we long for and then shared one of these ideas in a sharing circle.  We then began to create our own song, similar to that of Kino's Song of the Family.

Thanks for feeling safe enough to share today!

Friday, 9 September 2011

En 9: Reminders from Friday September 9, 2011

Today we read through the second chapter of The Pearl, by Steinbeck.  We discussed another theme read throughout the book, longing.  Please remember to read half of chapter three over the weekend and that you will have a quiz on the first two chapters on Monday.

Have a great weekend!

Ms MacInnes

SS 10: Reminders from Thursday, September 8 2011

It was so lovely to see everyone fresh faced and and ready to learn!!

Today we reviewed the geography of Canada, complete with mapping the provinces/territories and the physiographic regions.  It is important that you know where each of the maritime provinces is located.

Please remember to come to class with both your textbook and handbook on Tuesday, when we next have class.  Please also remember that we will be moving at a quick pace and so keeping up to date with your readings is imperative.

I look forward to our potential trip to Fort Langley this fall.

Ms MacInnes

Wednesday, 7 September 2011

En 9: Reminders from Wednesday September 7, 2011

I am so pleased to be working with all of you again this year.  Let's have a wonderful year of learning!

Today we continued with our in-class write.  I have enjoyed reading through what you have written and am glad that most of you enjoyed your time off.

After handing out John Steinbeck's novella, The Pearl, we began talks about our theme this year, discrimination.  I look forward to learning about your feelings on the topic.

Thanks for your hard work today!

Ms MacInnes

Welcome Back!!

Hello Everyone,

Welcome back to another year learning together.  I am looking forward to our future successes!

Ms MacInnes